Hanukkah may be over, but the candy it brought is with it still lingering in the house. Every kid now had a candy stash hidden somewhere in a bedroom drawer. I’m not sure anyone is actually eating from the stashes, but they’re using them to taunt each other endlessly.
“Yum. I just ate all the gummy worms from your candy stash. Nice hiding place.”
“Anyone who wants a jellybean should check out Fiona’s underwear drawer.”
“I’m not hungry. I just ate two pounds of chocolate from the inside of Bennett’s socks.” (Personally, I would never eat anything, not even chocolate, from the inside of something that was once on Bennett’s feet.)
I think Sid may have had some candy stashed somewhere at some point, but she was resigned to the inevitable: It was pilfered within minutes of the stashing.
Being the youngest means she’s had to just make do. This morning I was in her room dressing her… Which really means watching her dress herself in seasonally inappropriate clothing (who doesn’t want to wear a halter top in 28 degrees?). At some point, she ran to her sweater drawer, threw it open, and grabbed a sandwich bag with some day-old celery sticks living inside it. She leaned over and shoved her upper body in the drawer, then secretly chomped off some celery. Making sure nobody saw her, she then re-shoved the bag inside the drawer and straightened herself up.
A celery stash. That’s what you get left with when four older siblings raid your candy stash and leave you with nothing but wrappers.


Posted in Uncategorized on Dec 8, 2013