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I got a call from two of Bennett’s teachers today. (I’m certainly on speed dial by now) It seems that he’s embarked on a pen…
We all know Mr. Bennett is something of a morning person. On Tuesday night the baby was up more than usual and Francie climbed into…
As many of you know, every few years or so I like to move. So, I’ve done it again. I’ve taken the plunge and moved…
>Believe it or not, even though we’ve gone through star charts of every conceivable iteration, we’ve never had official “house rules.” I’ve seen them in…
>Lately I’ve been a little confused. It seems that while my kids think that I am the world’s dumbest human being, they also seem to…
>Sunday nights are sometimes movie nights Chez Geller. We all pile onto the couch in the basement and watch a movie and eat dinner. I…
>I don’t even want to know what goes into the algorithm for Facebook personalized pop up adds. They are either eerily on-point (“trying to loose…