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So there we all are at the airport. JFK has a swanky newish terminal which is conveniently located about ten thousand miles from baggage claim.…
This has been a positively awful news week on both personal and global levels for very many people. At some point I shut off the…
Why in God’s name has nobody ever told me about this? #raisingboys
This week I went to apply for my NY driver’s license. I don’t remember much about getting my license in Seattle but I appear to…
Just put the boys on a Ferry to visit friends. Alone. Gulp. Sometimes I am overcome by: A. A desire to have them out of…
It’s never as much fun driving home. We are all a bit deflated. We have none of the anticipation that propelled our way out ……
Here we are in the far reaches of North America. When we lived out west people would ask me: What is the best thing to…