>Still here. Despite the fact that it’s not snowing, b/c the roads are icy, and b/c Seattle comes to a grinding icy halt when it snows even a few inches, we’re all at home. And b/c tomorrow is Thanksgiving… we’re home for the week. Whoopee.
The funny thing is that last week, M and I were brainstorming ways to survive the long TG weekend, and here we are… with a whole week on our hands.
Once again, I am pitted against all the mothers who are thrilled to have their kids home – no lunches, no carpool. But alas, no school either. (These, consequently, are the same mothers who celebrated the end of the school year and were sad to see their kids go back to school at the end of the summer. I’m clearly just made of different, meaner stuff.) At least this time I can assuage my guilt — I do, after all, have a newborn at home. A newborn who’s going through a colicky patch at the moment. A newborn who had us both up for much of the night last night. A newborn who puked all over both of us, and then herself before falling back to sleep. A cute, but messy and disruptive newborn.
We’ve played in the snow, done a boatload of arts and crafts projects, all the things you’re supposed to do on a snow day. The kids have certainly got their money’s worth — so can’t they go back to school now. Please?
Someone suggested I bake cookies with the kids. That sounded about fine when I remembered that I hate baking. OK, maybe hate is strong.. but I don’t like doing it all that much alone. Why would I enjoy it with Fiona sticking her entire head into a bowl a batter when I’m not looking (banana bread), or Bennett stealing everyone’s dough to make a giant cookie in the shape of an Indianapolis Colts horseshoe that will be too big to ever bake (chocolate chip cookies), or Efram crying because Bennett stole his dough and picking up the bowl and hurling it across the kitchen spraying the remaining dough everywhere (same batch)??
But I may have no choice. For someone who doesn’t like to bake, doesn’t eat wheat, and especially dislikes making cookies that require cutters, I have an insane cookie cutter collection. Somewhere. Looks like I’ll be pulling it out today. Wish me luck.