After a chat in the car with the boys about Weird Al Yankovic, who looks like a teenager thanks to some hefty plastic surgery and a vegan diet, we decided that it may be interesting to go meatless for a month. I like meat occasionally, and I am not about to foresake it entirely, nor is anyone else in this house… but our repetoire is in DIRE need of expansion. As I explained to the boys, a vegetarian lifestyle is not healthier per se, but eating more vegetables is.
Also, I must clearly have heaps of time on my hands because just what this family needs now is a food project that will require me to plan ahead, forage for unique vegetables not native to the Bronx, and spend heaps of time chopping them.
This morning, in preparation, I gathered the vegetarian cookbooks.
The girls went at them with some post it notes. The boys, however, are never content to go with the flow. They have decided that vegetarianism is for wimps, and the real hard cores are vegan. I believe bets have even been placed (though not at school, I swear. Ok, maybe).
What I need now is some serious help. I don’t want to spend the month eating crappy Morningstar Farms meat substitutes that no doubt have been so genetically modified that my grandchildren will have three heads and eight fingers.
PLEASE, if you are so inclined, post your favorite recipes here. Please do not have me mincing walnuts as faux meat. Also, no polenta.
I hate polenta.