It’s only an hour but it’s seriously messing with my head. I’m not even a late sleeper (heck, I am often out of bed at five or six and prowling, hours before anyone else opens an eye). But this one little hour has completely knocked me off my game.
Ok, so maybe my game was never so hot… but for someone who really is (as I put it today) a hot mess of executive dysfunction, being off my game is not pretty.
In hindsight, I think I thought today was Wednesday because I dropped Sid off at school WITHOUT the snacks that I am meant to provide her class on the second Tuesday of the month. I raced through the day to make it to parent teacher conferences at four, only to show up at school to learn that conferences are TOMORROW. I’m quite used to getting that look from people — the head-cocked, the wincing smile, the apologetic eyes — when they realize I’m not playing with a full organizational deck, but getting it from your kids’ teachers is especially painful.
At some point I realized that I needed to accomplish SOMETHING today, so I called my friend R. I told her I was parked on the side of the road and she needed to find me because I didn’t know how to switch the clock in my car to the new daylight savings time. (My friend, D, had managed to change it somewhat, but not the full hour, so at any given point of the day, the minivan and I never really knew what time it was.) R found me, changed my clock, showed me how to do it myself (AS IF), and went on her merry way leaving me basking in my (her) achievement.
Now that the minivan is on board, I have officially sprung forward.

Posted in Uncategorized on Mar 10, 2015