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I am traveling. M is with me. I’m going to spare you details and annoying pics (because, why?), but I’ll share my current revelation: I…
I was supposed to have one full day this summer – one full day with no children. Four finally shipped off to camp yesterday and…
Once you’ve packed what you think are the entire contents of your home, the second step of summer road tripping (if you survived the car…
Facebookers, I see your happy family vacation pics and I raise you two: cleaning puke off a car seat and watching as two guys try…
One summer, a few years ago, I had the rather lofty goal of teaching my kids to load their breakfast dishes into the dishwasher. I…
Summer means lots of things to me but mostly it means a complete lack of personal space. My home office, once a sanctuary of occasional…
Yesterday was the first day of summer and also the first day of summer vacation. Already, I am finding crap like this happening in my…
This time last summer we had moved cross country. At some point I realized that the entire move was fueled by a combination of a…
On Wednesday of this week I hit the Wall, the Wall of exhaustion, hunger, dehydration, housework, meal-making, snack-making, fight-breaking, and sheer fedupness that is summer.…
We are all here in the house now. Everyone is home and all the beds have been assembled, so people even have a place to…