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Meet Lois. The children had been begging for a dog but while I want a dog, I do not want a dog. My youngest is…
Sometimes something so awful will happen that I’ll need several days to process it. By process, I mean write about. That’s really how this blog…
Here’s what I have learned so far. 1. This stuff is awesome. 2. I miss meat a little, but I do not miss cooking…
(First of all: I refuse to believe that the runs that have afflicted several members of this family have anything to do with our current…
Several of my friends have written books, but it’s not every day that I get to review one. Truth be told, I was not excited…
The groundhog saw his shadow yesterday. (Pic courtesy of Sid’s pre-school teachers who sent home this insanely cute groundhog.) Six more weeks of winter, according…
It’s that time of year again. Which also means this. .. Turning my sneakers into show shoes so I can get out and run. It’s…
There are all sorts of ways to kill time. I took the boys for an eye exam and needed to kill some while we waited.…
We are cycling through the stomach flu at the moment. Some of us are on round two less than a week after recovering from round…
There’s not a lot of TV I love, but I love Scandal and I have since it first aired. I especially love Olivia Pope and…