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I got a little braggy on Instagram and posted a picture of my chard recently. My punishment for my garden-bragging is usually the ridicule of…
May is hard. May is happy and sunny and here in NYC it’s even gotten warm (thank heavens, because I was on the verge of…
I wouldn’t necessarily call it a resolution, but this year I told myself I’d take one picture a week – specifically, a picture which encapsulates…
I like a good cookbook. If I know what I want to cook, but don’t know how to cook it, I will sometimes search for…
Spring may technically have sprung, but it seems to be taking its sweet time. Still, it’s already April… which means we get some of this: …
A certain jet-lagged eleven year old texted me from school: “Can you pick me up from school. Got highlighter in my mouth and now my…
It was something of a throwaway line. Drowning in jetlag and laundry, I tossed it out: I am not a fan of the clothes dryer.…
The groundhog saw his shadow yesterday. (Pic courtesy of Sid’s pre-school teachers who sent home this insanely cute groundhog.) Six more weeks of winter, according…
It’s that time of year again. Which also means this. .. Turning my sneakers into show shoes so I can get out and run. It’s…
We are cycling through the stomach flu at the moment. Some of us are on round two less than a week after recovering from round…