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This has been a positively awful news week on both personal and global levels for very many people. At some point I shut off the…
It sucked to be a Jew in America last week. First, the Pew Research Center came out with a survey of Jewish life and it…
I had big plans for my two hundredth blog post. Each time I post, Word Press congratulates me and tells me what number post I’d…
Here it is.
It’s the eighth night of Hanukkah, and here is our test tube menorah. It does sort of remind of shots that were served in skeevy…
It seems Bennett has found an apprentice in a sweet little boy in Francie’s class. The boy’s mother texted me this picture — her little…
And now, an arts and crafts project! No, I haven’t gone all Pinterest on you (and given that I still have difficulty operating a stapler,…