In a ongoing struggle to avoid getting a dog (“It’s a dog or a dad,” says the dad of the house), and in an attempt to motivate the offpsring to pull through finals and make it to the end of the school year, we went and adopted two guinea pigs. 
Looking back, it would seem that their previous owners were a little too cheery to be bidding those pigs adieu. 
We ourselves are no stranger to the breed. In Seattle, in between babies, (which is when I got broody and came home with a small animal), somewhere in between the hamster and the bunny, there was Lumpy the guinea pig. 
We adopted Lumpy from Petco because he was too ugly to be sold. In hindsight, given the two large rats that are now housed in my living room, Lumpy was a veritable pageant winner. Lumpy had a sweet, smushed up face, and never got very pig. I think he may have been a dwarf pig. The two rodents now living here legally look like oversized rats. (As a friend pointed out, like ROUS from the Princess Bride.) They seem to have grown in the week we have had them. 

As you can see, there is NOTHING cute about them.  
I refer to these rodents as ‘legal,’ because a small mouse was spotted up the attic, which is officially the boys’ wing of the house. The little guy squeezed himself in between two floorboards and disappeared when a human approached. 
The exterminator is coming tomorrow. 
Maybe he will take the guinea pigs with him. 

Posted in Uncategorized on Jun 25, 2015