(First of all: I refuse to believe that the runs that have afflicted several members of this family have anything to do with our current meatlessness.)
Meatless May really launched this evening because this weekend we were all out at various events. Some of us were meatless and some were not. Because I failed to plan properly, I had to cook what I had on hand this evening – like a contestant in one of those game shows (What’s in YOUR Pantry?), albeit a vegetarian version.
I made a sweet potato and red lentil soup that was mildly revolting. I threw some quinoa together for backup (as if everyone would eat it), and then I had a brainstorm: frittata!
Success! Although I wonder what it means when every single egg in the carton had a double yolk. Is that a sign of the apocalypse?
Sidney, true to form, refused all of the above and laid waste to six fish sticks I found in the back of the freezer. I don’t want to think about how long they had been there but I suspect they may have been a desperate purchase of the house’s previous owner.
Tomorrow I will be more organized. That’s a promise. And I’ll start making some of your recipes…